What is All-on-4®️ for Tooth Replacement?

The All-on-4®️ solution for missing teeth replacement is a scientifically proven process. The technique places four dental implants at specific locations in your upper and/or lower jaw to replace all of your missing teeth with a set of new, permanent teeth.

Dental implants provide the security for your full arch of new teeth. Your chewing function and smile appearance will be restored following the treatment.

Your All-on-4®️ procedure can be completed in one appointment. The details of your treatment and a discussion of our goals will be covered in your initial consultation.

What are the Benefits of Treatment with All-on-4®️?

Your oral and general health are at risk when you experience tooth loss. The longer you delay tooth replacement your risk increases for bone loss, gum tissue loss, and weakened dental function.

The All-on-4®️ procedure can restore your missing teeth most often in one day. You will enjoy the ability to eat your choice of foods and smile with confidence following your appointment.

What is the Advantage with All-on-4®️ Treatment?

Tooth loss affects your overall health and your ability to eat the foods you enjoy. Dental implants used in the All-on-4®️ treatment restore your tooth function and provide you the permanent security of a new set of natural looking teeth.

Four dental implants are placed at strategic locations in your upper or lower jaw. Your treatment requires less time and cost than a standard implant procedure.

Basic Facts About All-on-4®️

The treatment protects your bone and gum tissue from the wear that’s common with denture use.

Your procedure can be completed in a single day.

Dental implants provide security for your new teeth and will prevent them from shifting, moving, or falling out..

You will smile, eat, and chew with greater confidence following your treatment.

Schedule your consultation

Schedule your initial consultation and oral examination to discuss your tooth loss and explore how the All-on-4®️ procedure can restore your tooth function and appearance.