What Steps Are Involved in the All-on-4®️ Implant Procedure?

Getting the Results You Want from Your All-on-4®️ Treatment

Tooth loss has a traumatic impact on your oral health. A full, new set of permanent teeth will fully restore your tooth function and appearance following the All-on-4®️ procedure.

An Overview of the All-on-4®️ Treatment

Initial oral examination

The health of your bone and gum tissue and your overall health will be determined before beginning your treatment.

Placement of your All-on-4®️ dental implants

Your new set of teeth are secured permanently by implants at designated locations in your jawbone. Following your procedure you will be able to chew your food and smile confidently.

Post implant placement

During a healing period your new teeth will be custom-crafted to restore your tooth function and appearance. After healing has occurred your permanent teeth will be secured to your dental implants.

So why not see if you’re a candidate?

Schedule your initial consultation and oral examination to discuss your tooth loss and explore how the All-on-4®️ procedure can restore your tooth function and appearance.